Saturday, January 5, 2013

I Am Doing the Whole 30 Challenge

I am doing the Whole 30 Challenge.  Inspired by cousin Erica last summer I have been toying with the idea of doing the challenge, but couldn't settle on a good 30-day stretch when I would be setting myself up for success (first my 100-miler, then 2-week backcountry trip to Canada, then birthday, then holidays, etc. etc.).   I've since decided that doing the challenge after our anniversary, but before Valentines day - at a time of year when there are no bike races - gives me the best window for embarking on a journey like this for the first time (no need to make it harder for myself than it is already going to be!)

I am primarily interested in seeing if changing the way I eat affects my sleep.  My sleep quality has been so poor these last few years, and in addition I have had a lot of digestion issues that I am curious to see how (if) they change throughout the course of the month. 

This is going to be a BIG challenge for me - anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to eat, and I hate saying no to things - my eating discipline is not great. BUT - Thor is on board and is committed to helping me remember what I've committed to.     Essentially the challenge is to spend 30-days eating good, 'real' foods (meats, veggies, fruits, healthy fats (avacado, olive, and coconut oil) while cutting out foods that may have a negative impact on my digestive system, or generate an inflammatory response in the body (alcohol, sugar, legumes, grains, dairy). 

January 7th - February 5th. This is the challenge. If you see me during this time or hang out with me - please support me in staying on track.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so proud of you! These diets are hard, so I am glad you have a nice supportive husband! Also, I hope your tummy feels better and your sleep improves!
