Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Weekend This n' That

This past weekend was pretty tame around the Tingey house - we did go riding on Saturday up at the Sandy Ridge trails, and I debuted my new full-face helmet that Thor bought me to "protect my pretty little face." Awwwww, shucks.

*If you've noticed that the photo quality on the blog has gone done (even more than usual!) - it has. That's because I managed to misplace our camera charger sometime in March so we no longer have a camera. =( All blog pics must now be supplied via iPhone, and it just doesn't do a very good job (this is why you haven't seen any pictures of our yard in ages - everything ends up looking fuzzy and green).

Anyhow - back to the weekend:

Me, nearing the top of the paved climb that you have to suffer up in order to rip back down the single-track.
Me, at the bottom of the run - covered in mud, but having a great time! We saw a sweet family of geese down by the river (2 big geese and 5 fuzzy goslings) - but due to bad photo quality* (see above) I don't have a picture of them to share here. sniff).

On the way home from the SR trails we caught up with this gorgeous cadillac* on the highway - I don't even know if this picture fully captures the amazing peach tone of this car - a true beauty!
(*5/7/10 note - Okay - so obviously I'm no car expert! Many people have written to inform me that this is, in fact, a Chevy of some sort and not a Caddy. Thanks!)
This pic is super random - BUT it cracks me up: a) because of the face Thor is making, and b) the story behind the photo. The doorbell rang on Friday just as we were getting home from work. I immediately ducked for cover because I was sure it was a door-to-door salesman, but Thor answered the door like a champ and got sucked into a 20 minute spiel on an "AMAZING" home cleaning product. This pic shows Thor with his new $35 - yes, that's right, $35!!! - stain remover. I told him I hope he gets $35 worth of enjoyment cleaning up all our stains for the next year. Sheesh.


  1. Thor looks exactly like his father in this photo!!!!

  2. You're right - you guys have the same fun smile! =)
