Here are some pics from our first day out scuba/snorkeling with Anna! I don't remember the name of this place - but it had a bit of a precarious entry into the water (by my standards) in that the waves kind of wanted to rub your knees along the coral. Ouchy. I was careful though - and escaped unscathed.
Mom swimming under water.
Mom - unwinding the dive flag line. Periodically you'd look over and she would have forgotten to unwind it and the flag would be about 10 feet under water. so cute!
Here I am - puttering away on the surface.
Do you see the wicked looking eel peering out from the coral fingers. eeep! Anna was swimming down to take a picture of the nudibranch in the lower left hand corner of the picture and the eel surprised her! This was only about 15 feet down, so I was able to free dive down to see this eel myself. Neat!
A sea cucumber that Anna wrote 'i heart sarah' on with her finger. Ahhhh - so sweet!
A wee little sculpin.
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