Saturday we woke up to drizzle and fog - the same conditions as last year. Eight of us shuttled up to ride the Alpine Trail and we were all thoroughly soaked about 20 minutes into the ride!
Here I am riding across a field of beargrass about a quarter of the way down the trail - this is right before the really fun downhill section begins!
Sarah Sturdy & I - at one of our many snack breaks.
Thor and I at the end of the ride. Happy after some epic downhill riding!
Sunday we woke up to blue skies and sun! A smaller group of us rode Moon Point down to the Middle Fork of the Willamette. Here's a shot of us all pre-ride; this was as organized as I could get people. From the left: Sean (almost completely obscurred by the shade), Katy Nardecchia, Sarah Sturdy (way in the back), Mike Schuller, and Thor (with his back to us).
Yeah!! Great pics, it's cool for me to see what the trail looked like.