Here's what I started indoors:
- Basil: Aroma 1, Ocimum Basilicum. These are 2008 seeds so we'll see how they do. Last year I took them outside too early - so I think I'm going to leave them inside a little longer this year - like maybe until late May or so. I started 12 pots indoors - each one has about 2 or 3 seeds in it.
- Pole Tomato: Speckled Roman, Lycopersicon lycopersicum. I started about 12 of these speckled Roma tomatoes. They're an heirloom with orange & yellow striped skins that are great for making paste & sauce. I'm hoping that they dry well too as we flew Thor's dehydrator down this fall!
Bush Tomato: Super Bush for Containers. 12 plants started. This variety is supposed to be fantastic for containers and gets to be only about 2 feet tall. I'm hoping this makes some good snacking tomatoes for popping into salads!
- Peppers: Baby Belle. Little peppers perfect for munching or tossing into salads. I'm hoping these do better than my peppers did last year. I wasn't able to harvest a single pepper! These seeds are from Renee's Garden...I am on the fence as to whether or not I like this package only had 12 seeds in it! I hope they all sprout.
I'm jealous that you already started your seeds! We can't plant outside here until June 1st so I have a few weeks to go before I get started. I'm already getting overwhelmed with what I'm about to undertake. I just have to keep telling myself that it'll all be worth it by the time August rolls around!