Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hawaii Part 1: Maui with Anna!!

In mid-March I travelled to Maui to visit Anna for a few days before hooking up with Thor, Sheri and Daphne in Honolulu. As an added bonus Dad and Brenda were on Maui for a conference - so I squeezed a lot of family visiting into one trip!

I got to see Anna's sweet house up in Makawao, eat lots of tasty dinners, and go out on the boat with Anna every day! it was lovely, and a real treat to get to hang out with Anna 1:1.

One of the evenings Anna, Dad, Brenda and I went to see Ulalena (I probably butchered this spelling) in Lahaina, and I highly recommend it. it is an hour long performance detailing the history of Hawaii, and it is beautifully done.
Afterwards Anna tried to take me to one of her favorite shops - Lush - but I had such a terrible stomach ache that I could hardly stand up straight! I was such a sight doubled over on the main drag in lahaina that I'm pretty sure people thought I was drunk. I realize this isn't a great story - but I expect Anna will get a good chuckle remembering the comments we got from a couple guys passing by.

All-in-all it was a great three days - and it went by way too quickly. Good motivation to find another time to go and visit!

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