Saturday we had a day based primarily around Portland. Thor got up super early (like 4:30 a.m. oof!) and headed out springer fishing on the Willamette with Joe, Micah, and some other friends. They watched 5 other boats catch salmon - but didn't get to bring home any themselves. =( Thor caught a sturgeon, but even that was smaller than legal so he had to throw it back.
In the afternoon we went Morel hunting with our friend, Sean. It was a pretty unsuccessful outing mushroom-wise - but we did get a beautiful afternoon walk with the dogs which we capped with a beer on the patio sitting in the sun. Lovely.
Showcasing one of the four mushrooms I was able to locate on Saturday afternoon. Not exactly a 'haul'
When we got back from mushroom hunting Thor & I took a little break to try Thor's full-face helmet on Laea. Because that's just the type of nice dog owners we are. hah! I can pretty much guarantee Laea didn't like the helmet - but she did sit still long enough for us to get this picture which will keep Thor and I in stitches for a long time. I don't think we'll be taking Laea to
Blackrock any time soon. =)
We had just enough daylight left to get out in the garden and get some seeds planted. Thor built a neat trellis along one side of our newly built raised bed (our third) and then he tackled planting our pea varieties while I got some other tasty edibles in the ground:
Botanical Interests:
Snow Peas: Oregon Sugar Pod II
Onion: Ringmaster
Radish: Cherry Belle
And from
Territorial Seed:
Snap Peas: Cascadia
Beet: Chioggia